How Many Points Are On My Driver’s License in Georgia?

Donald Singleton
June 4, 2021

How many points can you get on your driver’s license in Georgia? Many Georgians are driving without a valid drivers’ license because they believe there is no consequence to it. Some people have their licenses revoked for minor infractions, while others continue to drive even after accumulating hundreds or thousands of points against them. The state has been trying several new methods and punishments to remedy the situation, but nothing seems effective yet!

What if I told you that most states offer traffic schools? An alternative way in which individuals who commit various types of moving violations (including speeding tickets) may be able, at some point during their lifetime as residents within one such jurisdiction, to take accredited courses by mail from home.

To receive a reduction in points, follow these steps:

  • Send the original certificate of completion for defensive driving (driver improvement) by mail. If you request a point reduction through email or fax, please send it directly to the Georgia Department of Driver Services at PO – Box 80447 Conyers, GA 30013.

In the state of Georgia, a traffic violation will cost at least one point. Points are given for speeding tickets and other offenses, such as not wearing a seat belt or running red lights. If too many points accumulate within three years, they lead to suspension from driving privileges until all fines have been paid off, plus additional costs that come with reinstatement fees.

Georgia Point System

Many people don’t realize the severity of a moving violation in Georgia. Points are given for each infraction and range from one to six, but you can also get more points if it is deemed “serious” by law enforcement officials. For example, running red lights or speeding over 55 mph will add five points, whereas failing to yield at an intersection adds three-point.

How many points will get you suspended? If 15 or more are accrued in a 24-month period, then your license is revoked. Georgia residents can ask the Department of Driver Services to reduce their point total if they have too many.

Are your points on the verge of reaching a suspension? Apply Points Reduction! Georgia has up to 7 Point reductions every 5 years. You must be successful in completing a certified Driver Improvement Course, and you’ll only get one reduction per five-year span, so make sure it’s worth it before applying!

For those looking for an easy way to get their license back after a suspension, this is the answer. All you need to do is complete a defensive driving course and pay a $210 reinstatement fee for your license to be reinstated immediately.

Sample list of Georgia Points System

Point system – the state of Georgia has a point system that ranges from 2 to 6 points. The more tickets you get, the higher your risk is for increased penalties and fines in court fees!

  1. Aggressive Driving – 6 Points
  2. Reckless Driving – 4 Points
  3. Unlawful Passing School Bus – 6 Points
  4. Improper Passing on Hill or Curve – 4 Points
  5. Speeding:
    • 15 to 18 mph over the speed limit – 2 Points
    • 19 to 23 mph over the speed limit – 3 Points
    • 24 to 33 mph over the speed limit – 4 Points
    • 34 mph or more over the speed limit – 6 Points
  6. Failure to Obey Traffic-Control Device – 3 Points
  7. Failure to Obey Police Officer – 3 Points
  8. Possessing an Open Container of an Alcoholic Beverage while Driving – 2 Points
  9. Failure to Adequately Secure Load (except fresh farm produce), resulting in an Accident – 2 Points
  10. Violation of Child Safety Restraint:
    • 1st Offense – 1 Point
    • 2nd or Subsequent Offense – 2 Points
  11. Violation of usage of wireless telecommunication device requirements – 1 Point
  12. Operating a Vehicle while Text Messaging – 1 Point
  13. Improper Use of Designated Travel Lane –  4th and Subsequent Offense – 1 Point
  14. All Other Moving Violations – 3 Points

What are the perks and limitations of getting a new driver’s license in Georgia?

Georgia is one state that issues driver’s licenses to its residents. But have you ever wondered what the requirements for getting the privilege of a driver’s license in Georgia entail? Well, GA drivers license requirements eligibility starts with being at least 16 years old or older if your permit was taken away due to breaking traffic laws before reaching age 18. You also need:

  1. A Social Security Number;
  2. Proof of Identity such as:
    • an ID card issued by another country,
    • a passport from any country showing a US visa (or proof it has been canceled),
    • Permanent Resident Card (US Passport displaying INS stamp) pass indicating temporary immigration status granted,
    • Certificate of Naturalization proving citizenship.
  3. If you were issued a driver’s license/permit/I.D. card in another state, and that card has been lost or stolen:
    • Your ID is from an out-of-state agency, DDS requires proof of identity to replace it – GA drivers license replacement can be done online.
    • If the original was lost or stolen within the last 30 days, all we need is certified copies of your driving record dated no more than thirty (30) days before submitting this form.

Note: All documents must be in English.

Existing GA Residents should know that if they apply for a license for the first time over 18 years old, they need to go ahead and view Class C License requirements. But if you’re under 18-years-old and this is your first application process, please review Teen Drivers information before continuing with your transaction.

How many points are on my driver's license in Georgia?

How can I get points off my license in GA?

Atlanta is a fast-paced metropolis that never sleeps. To give yourself the best chance to walk down Peachtree Street without bumping into someone, you must know how many points are on your license in GA to drive infractions like speeding and distracted driving.

In Georgia, drivers have their licenses suspended when they accumulate 12 or more penalty points within a 24-month period – but what does this mean? You want to keep track of all the penalties so you’re not one day away from getting pulled over by an officer who will be checking if your driver’s license has been revoked because there are too many demerit points against it!

The Georgia DMV website is an excellent resource for anyone who has questions about their driver’s license. There are many ways to get points removed from your driving record, including paying a fine or taking traffic school courses within 12 months of the violation date. You can also remove up to two points by completing an online driving safety course and passing it with at least 80% accuracy on the final exam to avoid any point deductions. So, you won’t have to worry about getting close enough to those dreaded suspension limits!

If you’re looking to get points taken off your license in Georgia, it’s pretty simple. All you have to do is take the state-mandated defensive driving course and then apply for a permit with that certification on file when renewing your driving privileges.

How long do points stay on your driving record in GA?

According to the Georgia Department of Driver Services, the points on license stay on for up to two years.

The state uses the point system to regulate traffic offenses. Many of these violations are minor and do not generate enough points for a driver’s license suspension. Still, some more serious ones can make it difficult or impossible to qualify for an unrestricted driving permit in certain circumstances.

I know that two violations will warrant one point: Hands-Free Driving Law and Child Safety Seat law violation (if there were only one child unrestrained). One additional conviction warrants another 2 points on top of this. So if there were more than 1 child who wasn’t appropriately restrained while traveling with you, then they would receive citations too!

The Point System has many different types of penalties attached depending on what type occurs during your time behind the wheel.

How many points is a super speeder in GA?

What is the fastest speed limit you can legally drive in Georgia? The maximum allowable speed limit for an automobile driving through GA is 70 mph, and there are no special requirements that would allow one to exceed this limit by more than 15%.

Georgia’s ‘Super Speeder Law’ defines a Super Speeder as any driver convicted of speeding at 75 mph or more on a two-lane road or at 85 mph and above on any road in the state. In addition to fines, fees paid to the jurisdiction where the offense took place, the driver must pay $200 Super Speed fee before being eligible for driving privileges again.

If you don’t pay the Super Speeder fee within 120 days of official notice, it is likely that your license will be suspended. It’s best to avoid this by paying a bit more than just the $200 fee in order for reinstatement.

Just in case, if you wonder how to check if the cameras got you, you can go through our blog post about how to obtain traffic camera footage in Georgia.

How long do traffic tickets stay on your record in Georgia?

A Georgia resident may have a certain amount of points on their driving record but can still apply for an occupational or driver’s license. However, suppose they accumulate more than six points within two years. In that case, that person must have all driving privileges suspended until they either meet the requirements set by the state and pay any associated fines or complete traffic school courses.

If you are out of compliance with these rules, there is no guarantee that your drivers’ records will stay clean, so make sure it doesn’t happen!

This depends entirely on how many violations a person has accumulated over time. Some people can get away with one violation, while others need five before suspension occurs due to different laws enacted throughout our country.

How to check how many points on your license?

If you’re looking to see how many points are on your license, check out the DMV’s website – Enter in all of the information that is requested and click “Check License Status”.

If you want to find out what number of tickets or penalties have been applied against your driving record with a quick scan for this info at, then first enter in any required fields like driver’s name and date of birth as well as issuing state into “check status online”.

This way, it will automatically bring up an overview stating whether or not there have been any infractions recorded against them since they obtained their drivers’ license.


If in any case or curiosity you need a reliable attorney whose specialty is car accidents in Georgia, you could go no further than our website. Singleton Law Firm LLC. aim to provide you with deep-researched and well-processed information, so you will be more than satisfied. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

Donald Singleton

Personal Injury Lawyer in Atlanta

A Georgia native, Don founded Singleton Law Firm in 1999 as a continuation of his lifetime commitment to serving his state and community. He has concentrated his trial practice to representing victims of serious injury and wrongful death arising out of trucking, car, bus and motorcycle accidents, premises liability and a wide variety of other causes.

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