Construction Vehicle Accident Attorney

Donald Singleton
May 24, 2021

Large vehicles used in most construction projects require skilled operators to ensure the safety of everyone on the site. When mistakes are made with these vehicles, there are no small accidents. They can lead to extremely serious and even fatal injuries. A construction vehicle accident attorney at Singleton Law Firm LLC. can help victims to seek compensation claim for medical bills, loss of wages, and pain and suffering.

Apart from workers’ compensation benefits, the injured construction workers may file a separate personal injury claim to seek damages. Whether an equipment malfunction or operator error caused your injuries, you should seek help from an experienced and reputable construction vehicle accident attorney who understands the law very well and will fight aggressively to protect your interests.

Construction Vehicle Accident Attorney

Construction vehicles

Construction vehicles perform specific jobs. They’re heavy and can’t make quick changes of direction. Dump trucks, cement delivery trucks, earthmovers, and movable cranes can severely injure workers at construction sites.

If you’re injured in a construction vehicle accident, it would be in your best interests to consult an Atlanta Construction Vehicle Accident Attorney about maximum compensation for the damages.

Possible causes of construction site accidents

Construction vehicles are used for a wide array of purposes, such as construction, farming, commercial, and residential purposes. Therefore, there is a lot of noise, vibration, and harsh movement associated with construction vehicles. As a result, construction site accidents are common and typically occur when a worker is outside, or within the construction area, during construction site accidents.

The first step to filing an accident claim is determining the possible causes of the accident. The law requires that construction site accidents be reported immediately so the police can be notified to protect the safety of both the worker and others. A worker who becomes injured after a collision with a construction site vehicle or equipment can file a construction site accident claim against the company responsible for the construction accident and obtain financial compensation.

In a building or road construction site, these large vehicles move around constantly. Therefore, both workers and operators are at high risk of a serious accident that can cause catastrophic injuries or even death in a variety of scenarios, including:

  • Trucks hauling materials can hit construction workers as they enter or leave the site, or another truck can inadvertently hit a worker.
  • A crane or backhoe might accidentally bump into construction materials, resulting in temporary structure collapse that can injure workers.
  • A vehicle – even a pickup – might drive very close to an excavation thereby causing a cave-in if the trench was reinforced improperly.
  • Vehicles can collide on a construction site.

Fighting for construction vehicle accident victims


At Singleton Law Firm LLC., we are committed to providing the best representation possible to operators and construction workers who’ve been injured in accidents involving malfunctioning or mishandled construction vehicles.

These cases are crucial, and we understand what’s at stake. You can count on us to guide you at every step to see your claim/case through to its conclusion. 

Workers injured in construction vehicle accidents

Workers injured in construction vehicle accidents usually require extensive medical treatment. This can include surgery, diagnostic tests, and hospitalization, followed by several months of medication, physical therapy, and follow-up appointments. It becomes a big problem when medical expenses add up fast. Remember that there’s less income coming in since you cannot return to work.

These big, heavy constructions vehicles are very dangerous. It is important to follow safety protocols on the construction site to protect workers. However, accidents like back injury and brain injury can still occur, leaving workers in a tough situation.

Common types of construction vehicle accidents in Georgia

  • Dump trucks;
  • Crane accidents;
  • Concrete mixers;
  • Road rollers;
  • Skid loaders;
  • Lift buckets;
  • Forklifts;
  • Backhoes;
  • Bobcats;
  • Earthmovers;
  • Scaffolding accidents;
  • Road graders.

A construction vehicle accident causes severe injuries, including traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injuries, and broken bones. Some injured workers may never recover fully and need lifelong care. Others take many months to recover before they can work again.

A construction vehicle accident occurs when you are involved with a vehicle that is operating improperly. This can include a construction vehicle that the driver is unfamiliar with but still operating the vehicle without any problems, if the driver is intoxicated, if the equipment, the driver is intoxicated, the driver is inexperienced, if an inspection was performed prior to starting the vehicle and other circumstances.

In addition, the construction vehicle accident can also occur when the driver leaves from the project site.

However, not all these instances lead to construction vehicle accidents. Therefore, the construction accident lawyers help you prepare your case for a construction accident injuries.

Construction vehicle accident attorney

If you were injured in a construction vehicle accident, contact Singleton Law Firm LLC. to learn more about how we can help you with your claim/case. We take personal injury cases on a contingency basis, which means that you do not pay any fees unless we win maximum compensation for you.

Call us today at (770) 889-6010 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation with our Atlanta construction vehicle accident attorney.

Donald Singleton

Personal Injury Lawyer in Atlanta

A Georgia native, Don founded Singleton Law Firm in 1999 as a continuation of his lifetime commitment to serving his state and community. He has concentrated his trial practice to representing victims of serious injury and wrongful death arising out of trucking, car, bus and motorcycle accidents, premises liability and a wide variety of other causes.

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