It’s extremely difficult to get an accurate estimate of how many elderly residents get abused in assisted living facilities throughout Georgia every day. The reason for this is...
Atlanta Attorney
What Is The Average Settlement For A Motorcycle Accident Case In Atlanta?
Riding on a motorcycle is much more dangerous than traveling in a traditional vehicle. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, motorcycle deaths occurred nearly...
Phantom Driver Explained: What You Should Know About Them
What is a Phantom Driver? If you’ve ever been driving down a long stretch of deserted road at night, you may have been in situations where another vehicle shows up alongside or...
What Are the Odds of Dying in a Car Crash?
Driving is something that is so common in today’s modern world that most of us will not think much of it. There is training involved, and one must show aptitude for the rules of...
A $1.6M Settlement Reached After Roadwork Debris Causes Car Crash
Singleton Law Firm LLC has settled for $1.6 million a negligence claim filed against a pair of Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) subcontractors in connection with a...
What is a Cease and Desist Letter?
Frequently, cease and desist letters are used to resolve disputes between two or more parties. In the event of a cease and desist letter, no court action will be taken. This...
Gap Insurance Lawyers in Atlanta
Are you looking for a lawyer who will fight for you against insurance companies? Do you want someone who will get you the most money possible from your insurance company? There...
How to File a Police Report for a Car Accident in Georgia
Under Georgia law, you are required to report an accident that results in injury or death to the police. You are required to file a police report if you are able to do so-failing...
How To Protect Yourself From A Personal Injury Lawsuit
Sustaining a personal injury that impacts your life is a good reason to seek compensation. It can take a while to get a fair settlement. You deserve a good one. Instead of...
How Do I Increase My Personal Injury Settlement?
When it comes to personal injury claims, telling a believable story is of utmost importance. The most effective way to maximize your settlement award is to build credibility and...