Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer

Fair Compensation for Atlanta Car Wrecks

Have you been injured in a car accident in Atlanta, GA? Injuries can be serious enough to require surgery or extensive medical care. Now you need a lawyer. But how do you know when to call one? Here’s what you should know about hiring a lawyer in Atlanta if you’ve been in an auto accident.

Choosing an Atlanta automobile accident lawyer for any car accident claim is an important and difficult decision. It should not be made lightly, because you want to know how much your case is worth. Our attorneys can handle the car insurance companies and get you the compensation you deserve for your car accident.

Results in Automobile Accidents Cases

Here are just a few outstanding cases we have won


$7.4 million

Bus v. Auto - Recovery of

$4.1 million

Auto V. Motorcycle

$1.5 million

Legal Representation You Can Trust

Car accidents happen every day. Unfortunately, this often results in minor or severe property damage, serious injuries (or wrongful death), and gives rise to automobile accident claims.

We will seek fair compensation and ensure the best outcome of your case, thanks to our dedication, skill, and experience. Your personal injury claim is important to us, and we will use all available resources to make sure you are fairly represented during the process.

Devoted to obtaining 100% of the compensation available under the law in Atlanta, GA

Our legal team is dedicated to representing people and their loved ones who have suffered car accident injuries or death behind the wheel of a car.  

We aim to fight for our client’s legal rights and hold accountable any individual, corporation, or government that causes personal injury or death. For over 30 years, we have been fighting to protect your interests and to get the full compensation you deserve! Start with a free consultation.  

Types of Car Accident Cases we handle

Almost anywhere and anytime can be the scene of a car accident in Georgia. It’s possible to be hit by a drunk driver as you travel north on I-75. When you’re stopped at a red light, a fault driver who’s texting may rear-end you. There are a variety of cases handled by the Singleton Law Firm, including the following:

  • Drunk Driver Car Accidents
  • Drug-Related Car Accidents
  • Distracted Driving Accidents
  • Rear-End Collision Accidents
  • Rollover Accidents
  • Pedestrian Accidents
  • Failure to Yield
  • Head-On Collision
  • Parking Lot Accidents
  • Uber, Lyft, and crashes involving ride sharing
  • School Bus Accidents
  • Left-Turn Accidents

Rightful Compensation With An Experienced Car Accident Lawyer

Our experience handling claims in Atlanta, GA has led us to valuable know-how. From gathering evidence to dealing with the opposing insurance company or party, you can trust us with every detail of your car crash claim.

Every driver in Georgia is required to carry auto insurance. In the event of a car accident, all drivers must carry a minimum amount of liability coverage. Liability coverage pays for accident-related expenses. The cost of a car accident often exceeds these limits. Often, car accidents exceed insurance limits. You can protect yourself against that by adding extra coverage to your insurance policy.

As you may know, different states have different rules and accident laws, and sometimes you may still be eligible for compensation even on the occasion when you were partially at fault.

We will stand with you and fight for your rights. Partnering with us will increase the odds of getting you the fair compensation you deserve. 

When Should You Contact an Atlanta Automobile Accident Attorney?

It is best to get in touch with us as soon as possible after an accident – this will help protect your rights and get moving quickly on establishing your case.

It is best to contact an experienced Atlanta lawyer before you proceed any further with the matter so that you can fully understand the best course of action. There are also some time constraints involved in car accident cases, so time is of the essence.

The most common causes of taxi and car accidents in Georgia include distracted driving, speeding, drunk driving or influence of drugs, negligent driving, uninsured drivers, and other factors such as loss of friction.

What to Do After a Car Accident in Atlanta?

After a car accident occurs, it is important that you stay put and not leave the scene before the police arrive and take your statement.

Immediately after a car accident, you should check to see if anyone needs medical attention. If you or one of your passengers is injured, call 911 right away and request an ambulance. If someone is injured, don’t move them unless they are in immediate danger or you are trained to move them.

Ensure you and everyone else involved are as safe as possible and in no way affecting the traffic.

Make sure you have the needed information – such as names and contacts of the others involved in the accident but it is not necessary to talk to the other party about the accident.  

You most definitely should take pictures if possible. Take pictures of your vehicle, the other vehicle, or the circumstances around.

The state of Georgia requires the reporting of all car accidents involving injuries, deaths, or property damage over $500.

Then contact Singleton Law Firm, LLC and get the legal representation help you need! The attorney fees are only deducted when you receive your compensation. 

Gathering Evidence of Liability

You can trust one of our experienced and reputable car accident lawyers in Atlanta, GA, to collect all the necessary evidence to prove liability in your personal injury claim or case. Your attorney may want to see what the scene of the accident looks like.

You may have taken some photos of the scene of the accident, but the attorney will probably go back to the scene. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but visiting the actual location can be worth a thousand pictures.

The personal injury lawyer will obtain all accident reports (including police reports) for your case and often speak with witnesses and the investigating police officers. Our Atlanta car accident lawyers leave no stone unturned when gathering substantial evidence of liability.

We can ensure the best outcome of your case, thanks to our skills and experience. Your personal injury claim is important to us, and we will use all available resources to make sure you are fairly represented during the process.

In Atlanta, GA, we fight aggressively to obtain 100% of the compensation available under the law.

Gathering Evidence of Damages

Gathering evidence of your damages is critical to your case, especially when you have suffered severe injuries in a car accident.

Your healthcare providers will have medical records and bills related to your injuries, and it’s essential to obtain them. However, it is not always easy to get your hands on all documentation. Although you have an absolute right to your medical records, sending medical records and bills to lawyers and patients isn’t the priority of a healthcare provider.  We can make the process move quicker and smoother.

You Need Valid Medical Evidence

To succeed on a personal injury claim, you must prove, through valid medical evidence, what your injury, physical limitation, or disability is, and that the defendant’s negligence caused it. Sometimes your medical records lack the “magic words” as to prognosis, disability, and causation. And when we talk about brain injury, things can change quickly.

Doctors often do not mention the extent and cause of the disability or injury in the accident victims’ medical records. If it happens to you, your attorney at Singleton Law Firm, LLC will write to your doctor to ask for a particular letter stating the physician believes that the accident caused your disability or injury and to what extent you are disabled or hindered and for what specific time period due to the accident.

Injured in an Auto Accident?

Personal injuries due to automobile accidents occur every day, in a wide range of situations, from motor vehicle accidents to injuries sustained while crossing the street as a pedestrian. All drivers must obey all traffic laws and drive defensively.

These injuries can be upsetting and expensive, involving costs such as hospital and doctor fees, medical bills, future medical expenses, and lost wages. More importantly, they often involve disrupting the patient’s usual quality of life due to pain and suffering.

This important factor is considered when making automobile injury settlements, helping you bear any costs you might encounter in getting your life back to normal.

Vehicle Accident in Atlanta?

Avoid These Common Mistakes

Many people, as well as their families, suffer greatly as a result of the injuries, emotional trauma, and financial hardships caused by an accident.. Here are things to avoid after an accident to ensure your rights are preserved.


Not calling the police

One of the first things you should do is call the police after a car accident. The police investigation and report are crucial for your potential case and recovering financial damages.


Leave from the motor vehicle accident scene

In Georgia, it is illegal to leave the accident scene. You should always contact the authorities and wait for them to arrive. 


Taking an immediate position on your injuries

Most victims are in a state of shock after a car accident and may not be able to feel pain. You can still suffer from injuries even if you’re involved in a minor accident. Other injuries, such as whiplash and concussion, may take time to appear, worsening days or weeks later. It’s crucial not to take an immediate position on the injuries you may have sustained as they may appear, develop, or worsen later.  It is ok to say at the scene of the accident that you are unsure or not sure yet regarding the extent of your injuries.   


Settlement talks

Do not accept an insurance company’s settlement offer without speaking to an experienced attorney if you’ve been in a serious car or truck accident. Also, don’t offer to pay cash or settle with the other driver at the accident scene. You deserve a fair settlement.


Admitting fault

When talking to the police, insurance company agents, the other parties of the accident, or witnesses, be careful with what you say. Even a simple apology might be misunderstood as admitting to fault.


Assigning fault

Experts such as accident reconstructionists, insurance adjusters, and traffic police will decide who’s at fault depending on a range of factors that you may not be aware of. Don’t try to say that another driver was at fault. Also, don’t say that it was your fault or partially your fault. 


Guessing the accident facts

It’s ok that you can’t recall or don’t know the answer they are looking for. Accidents happen quickly.  Some people feel like they should have all the answers when the police are interviewing them. Don’t guess or speculate about the accident (for example, the arrangement of the cars or how fast you were driving before the accident happened). You aren’t expected to know everything about the accident.

Free Accident Case Consultation

As your legal counsel, we can help you determine whether you are eligible to receive any financial compensation because of the injury you sustained in an automobile accident and the difficulties you encountered.

We have experience with railroad crossing accidents. At no cost to you, we help you get what you deserve. You will get a free case consultation by choosing Singleton Law Firm, LLC, and you will not pay anything until we recover a maximum compensation!

Your auto accident attorney will work closely with you and your healthcare providers to determine the extent of your injuries, the care you will need to recover, and how long the recovery process will take. 

The items that should be factored into your financial award include:


Cost of medical treatment and care – including future expenses.


Potential earnings in the future, which might include salary increases and bonuses.


Cost of potential caretakers.


Any lost income due to your injuries.


Pain and suffering.


Any home renovations to accommodate a disability.


Prescription medications and medical equipment.


Damage to your relationships and marriage.


Emotional distress. Loss of enjoyment of life.


Effects of a disfiguring injury.

Common Car Accidents FAQs

Is Georgia an “at-fault” state?

Yes, the drivers in Georgia are accountable for their share of any costs resulting from an automobile accident. These fees and money usually come from each at-fault party – the driver’s insurance company.

How long after the accident can I file my claim?

In Georgia, you must file an injury claim two years after the car wreck. However, there are often exceptions, so we strongly recommend contacting an experienced auto accident lawyer as soon as possible to file auto accident claims.

What is the statute of limitations for car accident lawsuits in Georgia?

Car accident lawsuits in Georgia typically have a two-year statute of limitations from the date of the accident. It generally takes up to two years for a driver who hurt you in a car accident to take legal action against them.

What is the usual settlement after a car accident case?

The settlement offer depends entirely on the type of the accident, the results and damages from it, and the expenses needed for recovery. If you contact us as your Georgia car accident attorney, we can offer you a free consultation and get you some clarification. Car accident claims in Georgia can also result in punitive damages.

What can I expect when I file a car accident claim?

The insurance company will likely contact you about your car accident claim after you file it with them, and then the adjuster will decide whether to make you an offer. You may not be able to cover all of your accident-related expenses under that amount.

Perhaps you are partially at fault for the accident according to the insurance adjuster. To protect your rights and negotiate a better settlement offer, you should hire an experienced car accident attorney. Insurance companies try to claim that you were at fault in a car accident. If this is the case, a car accident lawyer can protect your rights and gather evidence that proves you did not cause the accident.

A fair settlement isn’t always negotiated by the insurance company. The attorneys at our firm don’t hesitate to take the case to court if that happens to protect your rights and get you what you’re due.

What are the most common causes of car wrecks in Atlanta?

Regardless of whether those factors are natural or the result of a driver’s actions, car accidents can be caused by numerous factors. It does not matter if a negligent driver is breaking the law or not-what matters is that they were not paying attention and drove carelessly. An experienced Atlanta car accident lawyer can help you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries, regardless of the cause. Here are a few of the most common causes of car accidents:

Dangerous road conditions

Potholes, metal plates, and poor drainage are common on Atlanta roads for anyone who has driven there. Remember Snowpocalypse? Driving on such roads can quickly become dangerous. These problems can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles or cause them to malfunction, sending them into oncoming traffic or causing wrecks altogether.

Using a cell phone while driving

One of Atlanta’s most serious traffic problems is distracted driving, which includes texting while driving. Medical bills and property damage can cost you thousands of dollars if you’re hit by a distracted or drunk driver on the road. The state of Georgia passed a hands-free law in 2018, but people are still texting while driving. If a driver reads or answers a text at highway speeds, he or she will lose sight of the road for five seconds and may travel 300 yards or more without seeing the road.

Drinking and driving

Even though distracted drivers are on the rise, drunk driving remains the top cause of accidents. As soon as a person becomes buzzed, they begin to lose attention to the road and become unable to make quick decisions. As buzzed turns into drunk, the ability to see doubles, and driving becomes impossible. In Georgia, drunk driving is one of the toughest crimes, but that doesn’t stop many people from doing it. People involved in drunk driving accidents are more likely to suffer serious injuries, and pedestrian accidents are more likely to occur.

Excessive speeding

When we’re in a hurry, we often find ourselves tempted to drive faster than is safe. However, speed limits are in place for a reason. The control of a car becomes more difficult when a driver is going too fast. At high speeds, even the slightest turning of the wheel can have disastrous consequences. Also, if traffic in front suddenly slows, stopping quickly becomes much more difficult.

Problems with cars/recalls

Some defects may not be evident for years, even though manufacturers go through painstaking measures to ensure their vehicles are safe. A fire may break out in an engine after three years of use due to overheating. Similarly, airbags may stop deploying after a while. Automobile accidents can become life-threatening when manufacturing issues suddenly arise.

Too much time spent behind the wheel

In particular, Uber and Lyft drivers may drive too long and become tired, making them incapable of driving safely. Uber and Lyft drivers are not subject to time limits, so they often work a full-time jobs and then drive for a few extra hours, resulting in accidents.

What are the most dangerous intersections in Atlanta?

In recent studies, Atlanta has been ranked as one of the most dangerous cities in the country. At Singleton Law Firm, our Atlanta car accident attorneys travel these roads every day. In order to reduce the risk of accidents, it is best to avoid the following intersections when traveling through Atlanta:

Memorial Drive and N Hairston Road, Stone Mountain
*22 accidents a month on average.

In other words, this intersection is very dangerous. The intersection between I-285 and Stone Mountain High School is less than a mile from the interstate, and it has consistently been flagged as a car accident disaster waiting to happen. Both of these factors increase the likelihood of car wrecks as people drive fast and leave the road quickly.

North Druid Hills Road and Briarcliff Road, Atlanta
*13 accidents a month on average.

This intersection’s high-risk factors may be explained by an unusual amount of traffic. These streets are constantly congested with residential and student traffic, creating a stop-and-go mentality. As people work their way to or from metro Atlanta, this spot is backed up almost every hour of the day. Pay attention as you travel through this intersection.

Butner Road and Camp Creek Parkway, College Park
*13 accidents a month on average.

This intersection would have accidents no matter what. One of Atlanta’s busiest intersections, this intersection is a combination of bad drivers, road ragers, and no-boundary lanes. To avoid a potential accident, pay attention to the road and traffic.

State Bridge Road and Medlock Bridge Road, Johns Creek
*14 accidents a month on average.

This is the main thoroughfare for Atlanta suburbs, and it has an impressive array of commercial development and amenities – grocery stores, shopping centers, a movie theater, as well as Whole Foods! Due to the fact that there are fewer stops allowed on this road, it presents a higher risk than city streets. Despite coming to an intersection, people have more time to zone out or get distracted. When traffic signals are not used, drivers behave recklessly and high speeds are present, an accident is inevitable.

Monroe Drive at Piedmont Avenue, Atlanta
*12 accidents a month on average.

A particularly inauspicious intersection on our list, Monroe and Piedmont are connected by perpetual in-town traffic and the Belt Line. There are also bicyclists, pedestrians, and constant traffic. Without full attention, anything can go wrong.

Jimmy Carter Boulevard at Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Norcross
*17 accidents a month on average.

Peachtree Industrial Boulevard’s intersection with Jimmy Carter Boulevard is dangerous. It is not easy to understand the intersection of Jimmy Carter and Peachtree Industrial. Peachtree Industrial and Jimmy Carter merged together due to unmarked exits and traffic lights. Slow down whenever crossing under the Peachtree Industrial Bridge to avoid drivers accidentally entering your path.

Our Practice Areas

Car accident attorney

Atlanta automobile accidents attorney with over 30 years of experience. Contact us and we will find the best way out for you!

Personal Injury attorney

Atlanta personal injury attorney who fights aggressively to obtain 100% of the compensation available under the law. Get a free quote.

Truck accident attorney

Did you get involved in a truck accident in Georgia? Contact our Atlanta trucking accident attorney – we can help you with your case.

Other Areas of Expertise

If you think you need an Atlanta car accident lawyer, call us right away at

(770) 889-6010

This way, we can begin to prepare what we will need to handle your case.