Top 10 Weirdest Laws in Georgia

Donald Singleton
August 10, 2021

There are countless enforceable laws in effect in the state of Georgia, and hundreds more are getting added to that list every year. With numbers like those, it’s no surprise that some pretty wacky and weird laws exist.

Are you ready to learn about some of them? Find out more about the top 10 weird laws in Georgia that we’ve handpicked for your entertainment below.

1. No Chickens Crossing the Road!

The chickens in Quitman better not even think about crossing the road regardless of their “why”. That’s because it’s illegal for chickens in Quitman to cross the road.

While this is among the many crazy laws in Georgia, there is a good reason it exists. If your chickens are crossing lanes of traffic, then they could cause an accident. If an accident does cause injuries or losses, then the owner of those chickens could face a potential lawsuit. Plus, the law protects chickens’ lives, too.

If you thought that was the last of the weird laws in Georgia regarding chicken, then you’d be wrong. Check out crazy law number 4 for more chicken wackiness!

2. No Spitting (Unless You’re in a Truck)

If you’re passing through Marietta, then you need to be aware of the no spitting law. This random law makes it a crime for anyone to spit from the window of a car or bus. It is legal, however, to spit from a truck.

While the nature of why this law was created in the first place remains unclear, it’s safe to assume that lawmakers believed that using tobacco and attempting to spit out of the window could lead to an accident. Similarly, a passenger that spits out the window could wind up having that spit ball land on the car behind them. In these types of situations, the alleged spitting driver would likely be held at-fault for any crash that happened as a result

3. Ride Llamas at Your Own Risk

Certain activities are considered inherently dangerous, like skydiving. In Georgia, any llama-related activity is also considered inherently dangerous, so you’ll have to engage in any of these activities at your own risk. If you suffer any llama-related personal injuries, then you’ll assume the legal and financial responsibility for it.

Per Georgia Department of Agriculture laws, llama owners are protected from liability, even in the event of death, with very few exceptions.

4. No Eating Fried Chicken With a Fork

If you’re in Gainesville, then you need to recognize the fact that you’re in the “poultry capital of the world.” In such a prestigious area, it’s no wonder that local lawmakers have passed important eating etiquette laws to apply to their prized poultry products.

In 1961, the city of Gainesville passed a law making it illegal to eat fried chicken with a fork.

This crazy law isn’t really enforced, although one 91-year-old woman was arrested and charged with this crime in 2009 as part of a practical joke.

5. No Street Ball

All of us older Americans clearly remember the days of our youth, which, for most of us, included plenty of days playing in the neighborhood streets. In Dublin, however, playing any type of ball games in any roadway, alley, sidewalk, or public street is considered illegal.

Unlike some of the other crazy laws in Georgia, this one actually makes a lot of sense. Too many tragic accidents happen when children are playing in the road or when their balls roll into the street.our Initials

We’ve all seen iconic declarations of love like initials that have been carved into a tree or structure. In Columbus, however, creating this type of artwork is illegal regardless of whether you’re on private or public property.

6. Ice Cream Cones Don’t Belong in Your Back Pocket

This Georgia law is downright bizarre, but it has an interesting backstory. According to local lore, people in the past used to attempt to steal horses using ice cream cones. First, they’d walk up to where some horses were. Then they’d put an ice cream cone in their back pockets. The horses, smelling the sweet treat, would be lured away to follow the thief. As a result of this practice, local lawmakers felt it was necessary to make it illegal to carry ice cream cones in your back pocket, but only on Sunday when horse riders would be preoccupied with church.

7. Only One Price for One Beer

If you live outside of Georgia, then you’ve surely heard about “happy hours” where bars or other establishments start selling their alcoholic beverages at a discount price. If you do live in Georgia, though, then happy hours just don’t have the same meaning. That’s because there’s a law in Georgia that prevents businesses from setting one price for two beers. For example, a bar would be prohibited from offering a “two-for-one” deal for alcohol.

8. Raking Your Yard is Your Civic Duty

If you reside in Acworth, then you need to know that it’s your civic duty to rake your own yard. In fact, it’s illegal for residents to not own a rake. This important law was created in the hopes of preventing accidents as a result of too many fallen leaves starting to gather up on walkways or roadways. If you get into an accident due to fallen leaves in Acworth, then you can use this law to help pursue a claim.

9. No Defacing Trees with Your Initials

We’ve all seen iconic declarations of love like initials that have been carved into a tree or structure. In Columbus, however, creating this type of artwork is illegal regardless of whether you’re on private or public property.

10. Don’t Tie Your Pets Up in Public

In Atlanta, it’s against the law to tie your put up to a pole, lamp, or other structure in public. The reason for this law is pretty simple – leaving your pet unattended could result in a dog bite accident.

How Crazy Laws in Georgia Can Impact Your Life

For the most part, weird laws in Georgia aren’t enforced unless a problem or disturbance happens as a result of the behavior. If you recently got into an accident, however, then you might be interested in researching all the wacky and wild laws in Georgia to see if they might impact your ability to receive compensation.

How can you really sift through hundreds of years of Georgia law, though? The good news is that you don’t have to if you instead rely on the experience of a qualified attorney who can help direct you to the most relevant laws surrounding your situation.

If you’re in the Atlanta area, then we invite you to schedule a consultation with our office now. We have extensive experience defending clients with a variety of personal injury situations.

Donald Singleton

Personal Injury Lawyer in Atlanta

A Georgia native, Don founded Singleton Law Firm in 1999 as a continuation of his lifetime commitment to serving his state and community. He has concentrated his trial practice to representing victims of serious injury and wrongful death arising out of trucking, car, bus and motorcycle accidents, premises liability and a wide variety of other causes.

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