Rear-end Car Accidents: Most Common Collisions

Donald Singleton
January 12, 2021
Due to Atlanta’s many interstates, rear-end collisions are an area of law that the attorneys at Singleton Law Firm, LLC handle every day. The car that rear-ended you may argue you changed lanes too quickly or did not give them enough distance on the road. These arguments can be combated with the help of Singleton Law Firm, LLC due to thirty (30) years of experience of helping clients with similar claims. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-end collisions make up about 30 percent of all traffic accidents each year. That is why they are the most common type of car accident. The fault for most rear-end collisions is usually (but not always) straightforward. However, proving an injury can be a different matter. Therefore, you need a professional, reputable, and experienced Atlanta rear-end collision lawyer to handle liability and compensation claims. Rear-End Collisions

How will we assist you?

We can help advocate against the at-fault driver’s arguments by relying on physical evidence such as skid marks, witness testimonials, and how to handle insurance claims/statements. Contacting us right away can only favor you.

Were you in a chain reaction crash?

Finding who is responsible for damage in a chain-reaction car crash can be confusing. For example, if you are in a crash where you are between two vehicles, the car behind you will most likely only pay damages to the rear end of your car and not accept any repairs to the front of your car. The other driver’s insurance company will weigh the damage that occurred from both impacts on your vehicle and only wants to pay for the medical bills/compensation they feel occurred due to their driver’s impact. Each chain reaction case is handled slightly differently as juries and insurance companies can be subjective with each wreck. 

Rear-end Collisions are often preventable

Perhaps it is a little surprising to realize the occurrence of rear-end crashes, given most drivers nowadays can access GPS units, smartphones, and other devices in their cars. There can be little doubt that most of these accidents occur due to distracted driving. However, whatever the cause, most of these accidents are preventable, underpins the extra frustration of drivers hit in a rear-end collision. If you were involved in a hit-and-run accident, here is our blog post on the topic – The good news is that when it comes to fault for auto accidents, it usually does not get more straightforward than with rear-end collisions.

Determining Liability for a Rear-End Collision

Except in a few cases, a driver who rear-ends another vehicle will almost always be found negligent and at fault for the collision. The driver of the lead vehicle will bear some level of liability in a few rare instances of rear-end crashes, including:
  • reversing suddenly;
  • failure to repair a faulty brake light or other broken equipment;
  • driving with a flat tire or mechanical problem and not pulling over or using hazard lights;
  • “brake-checking” the tailing driver (slamming on the brakes for no valid reason).
The determination of accident liability is straightforward if none of these scenarios (or a similar one) exists. It ensures quick resolution of one of the two major legal issues in a rear-end collision case. The calculation of damages is the second remaining issue to be handled. At this point, things can get tricky and complicated, especially the handling of injury compensation.

Obtaining Compensation For Damages After a Rear-End Collision

A rear-end collision causes vehicle damage, and getting compensation for such losses is usually uneventful. The damage to the vehicle is a reasonably objective determination since everyone will typically agree on liability. Therefore, most insurance companies will settle the vehicle damage claims of rear-end accident victims as quickly as possible. On the other hand, after a rear-end collision, a victim may file a personal injury claim or lawsuit to compensate for his or her injuries, which is the most frustrating and complicated part. This is because a rear-end collision often causes “whiplash.” It is one of the most common injuries associated with rear-end collisions. You need an experienced, professional, and reliable Atlanta rear-end collision lawyer to help you file a successful personal injury claim.

Most Common Causes of Rear-End Collisions

Someone else is almost always at fault in rear-end collisions. Most common rear-end collisions occur due to the following common bad driving behaviors:

Following too close

To stop suddenly without colliding, drivers should maintain enough distance between their car and the one in front of them. A rear-end collision often occur when a driver follows too close, and he or she is forced to stop suddenly when the lead driver tailgates him or her due to debris on the road or for other reason.

Distracted driving

Eating, applying make-up, talking, or texting on mobile phones will distract drivers, and as a result, they can’t give their full attention to the road. They will end up hitting you from behind because they may not see you stop.

Over speeding

The speed of the vehicle will determine the required distance to stop the car. Obstacles – including your stopped car – in front of drivers who’re speeding can be a real danger and cause severe problems since they cannot stop in time when presented with these obstacles.

Faulty brakes or other mechanical defects

Only vehicles in roadworthy condition should operate on the roads. Drivers have the responsibility of ensuring the proper maintenance of their cars. That means ensuring the brakes and other parts of the vehicle are in good working condition. Collision often results when brakes fail.

Most Common Injuries in Rear-End Collisions

Depending on the circumstances of the crash, several different types of personal injuries may result from rear-end collisions. The most common types of damages include:

Neck Injuries

Most victims of rear-end collisions experience whiplash. It is perhaps the most common injury associated with these accidents. In a rear-end crash, your head may be snapped back, and your neck extends beyond its average length, which causes whiplash. You will have to bear the excruciating and lingering pain. Drivers who’ve been rear-ended often suffer spinal cord damage or herniated discs.

Back injuries

A rear-end crash may cause spinal cord damage or herniated discs.

Head injuries

Concussion or brain injuries or bruises or cuts on the head may result from rear-end crashes.

Broken bones

Arms, legs, or ribs can break due to a forceful enough impact.

Soft tissue injuries

You may suffer painful strains, sprains, and tears in your muscles, tendons, or ligaments when you’re involved in a rear-end collision.

How can we help litigate?

Each chain-reaction car wreck is different. Although most people assume all damage occurs due to the rear end driver, this is not always the case. If you were the vehicle operator in the rear, there could be many reasons the accident is not entirely your fault.  For example, the car in front of you could have pulled in from a side street in front of the striking vehicle, or the car in front changed lanes into a space way too small to accommodate it.  These reasons usually require additional evidence or eyewitness testimony to be upheld. In any case, you should consider contacting one of our Atlanta auto accident attorney. Here, we have listed 6 costly mistakes almost all of us make after a car accident, which may be in your help.

How will jurors respond?

Car accidents are common, and jurors are aware that cars can handle a significant impact. If a crash appears minor, jurors will not feel as though severe injuries to the driver could have occurred. Property damage will most likely determine how fairly the auto accident injury claim will be treated.

How to handle the insurance?

After a rear-end collision, insurance companies will often ask for a recorded statement of the parties. Sometimes you must give your own insurance company a statement, but you do not have to provide one to the other driver’s insurance company. The insurance adjusters are trained to ask questions that might lead to you admitting fault for reasons that are not entirely accurate. The Singleton Law Firm LLC. attorneys suggest you decline to state the other driver’s insurance company to protect yourself from faulty blame. This will protect you from being forced to use your collision insurance. If you do not have collision insurance, it is even more strongly recommended that you do not give a recorded statement. 

Donald Singleton

Personal Injury Lawyer in Atlanta

A Georgia native, Don founded Singleton Law Firm in 1999 as a continuation of his lifetime commitment to serving his state and community. He has concentrated his trial practice to representing victims of serious injury and wrongful death arising out of trucking, car, bus and motorcycle accidents, premises liability and a wide variety of other causes.

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