How to Locate a Hit and Run Driver After Car Crash?

Donald Singleton
May 25, 2021

What’s the worst thing an acquaintance can do in a car crash? If you’re driving and someone else is also at fault, it could be leaving without stopping to exchange information. This criminal offense is called “hit-and-run.”

Do you have a hit-and-run accident? Even though it sounds like the other party is an unknown, don’t go through this alone. An Atlanta-based lawyer can help get compensation for injuries and damages and medical bills, and other expenses not covered by insurance. We understand how difficult this situation may be!

How to locate a hit and run driver after car crash

Hit-and-run accidents are a serious problem, but there is still hope for those injured by one. It’s not an easy task to find the driver because they ran off after leaving you wounded or dead on the side of the road – we all know how callous that can be!

But just because this negligent driver left doesn’t mean he or she automatically gets away with it and never has to face justice. You may think that your case will need years in court before anything was done about it; I’m here today to tell you otherwise: if only a car accident report were filed at any point during these events, then police investigators could locate him from his license plate number via DMV records within days.

What are the options for locating a hit-and-run driver after your motor vehicle accident?

What would you do if the person who hit your car drove away? You might not find them, but that doesn’t mean they won’t pay for what they did. When someone hits a parked vehicle and drives off without leaving contact information or insurance info behind, it’s called “hit-and-run.”

There are consequences for assaulting an unoccupied motor vehicle in some states: up to one year in jail plus fines of $1,000. And even when no charges can be filed with law enforcement agencies about this type of incident on public roads (police usually need evidence), victims may still pursue legal recourse through their own automobile insurer by providing proof from local police officials.

You’ll always need the police report to file a compensation claim with your own insurance company for your vehicle repairs. You can you this police report to locate the negligent driver. We know such ways to find hit-and-run drivers:


If you’re injured in a hit-and-run crash, the police are more likely to investigate your accident as a crime and attempt to locate the driver for you. If someone has identifying information about that person and their vehicle, they’ll be easier to find!


A witness who was outraged that the driver fled the scene may have documented a make and model of car or license plate number – anything to help those in pursuit find this person. An eye-witness who was outraged that the driver fled may have documented a few key details about the vehicle, license plate number or part of it, and other helpful information. Chances are these will help locate him!

Door-to-door or mouth-to-mouth investigations

What if you’re the one who saw something? What are your responsibilities when it comes to crimes like this?

Police can go to nearby houses or businesses near the scene of a hit-and-run and ask anyone in sight: “did you see anything?” They may recognize that car, have information about where they might be, make an ID from security footage. It’s our duty as citizens to do all we can for law enforcement – what would happen without them protecting us while we sleep soundly at home after a hard day’s work?!

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

You don’t have to be a detective! With just the license plate number, you can track down your hitting’ driver’s name and address through the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles. It’s best to report license plate numbers to law enforcement.

Surveillance cameras, security cameras, video cameras

Cameras are an integral part of our day-to-day life, but police officers can use them too. Highway cameras aren’t the only resource they have to work with. It has been common for many businesses and homes to set up personal security camera systems to deter criminals from entering their property. These cameras sometimes also record a hit-and-run accident or other crime committed nearby, so if there isn’t any other evidence collected at the scene, then this surveillance video footage could help identify who did what happened.

Social media

A hit-and-run victim’s best chance of getting the hit-and-run case solved is when a bystander reports what they saw. If nobody witnessed it, police would use technology to try and find clues that lead back to the person who committed the crime. In some cases, this leads people in good faith because many don’t realize how serious these crimes are until after hearing about them on TV or social media outlets like Facebook or Twitter.

Experienced law firm in car accidents

Hiring a reputed car accident attorney to get compensation for your injuries in the event of an unfortunate hit-and-run is always a wise move. They can assist you with locating and pursuing any sources that may be available, which could include other drivers or insurance companies.

What should you do after a hit-and-run accident?

To make it easier for the police investigation, do yourself a favor and contact emergency services right after an accident. You can help your hit-and-run claim by doing the following after you get off scot-free. Contacting authorities and keeping physical records of what happened is a great way to show insurance how it all went down.

  • Call the police – Your first step after a hit-and-run should be to call the police and request medical assistance if you need it. The next thing they’ll do is ask about what happened before, but keep your eyes peeled for any identifying information about their car or clothing because these things may help identify them as well!
  • Write down every necessary information – Note the time and location of your car when it was hit. If you weren’t in your vehicle, corroborate this claim with an eyewitness account. Where were you at, what time did this happen, how long ago is that- take note of anything to corroborate the incident. Photos will be helpful too!
  • Take photos – Take a picture of the scene, take pictures of your car and record everything you see to help an officer find out who hit you! The more pictures there are, the better chance we have catching who did this – even though all these details seem pointless now, considering how crushed up everything is. Take pictures while noting all damages found on the car, including any gasoline leaking from both gas tanks or a busted back window that wasn’t there before!


Hit-and-runs are bad, but the police can find out who did it. Whether they will or not probably depends on many factors like what kind of evidence is there and how much time you give them to do their job before going off with other things in your life. The more quickly you report an incident – because that’s when cops have enough manpower free for this type of thing – the better chance they’ll be able to figure anything out at all!

Contact our personal injury law firm for a consultation on your accident today.

Donald Singleton

Personal Injury Lawyer in Atlanta

A Georgia native, Don founded Singleton Law Firm in 1999 as a continuation of his lifetime commitment to serving his state and community. He has concentrated his trial practice to representing victims of serious injury and wrongful death arising out of trucking, car, bus and motorcycle accidents, premises liability and a wide variety of other causes.

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