10 Signs of Neglect in Nursing Home in Atlanta: When to Call a Lawyer

Donald Singleton
March 2, 2025

Statistics show that Georgia state has the 11th fastest-growing elderly population in the U.S. That said, it’s necessary to consider that about one in 10 elderly Americans have experienced a form of elder abuse in nursing home facilities and at the hands of care providers.

an old man in a nursing home

Recognizing the early signs of neglect in nursing home situations is paramount to your loved one’s health and safety. Unfortunately, an aging adult can have many reasons for not disclosing the abuse they’re suffering through – shame, guilt, depression, or not realizing they’re being mistreated. Even worse, some elderly residents are unable to properly communicate what’s happening due to cognitive or physical decline.

Below, we’ll review 10 red flags of nursing home neglect that you must watch out for. We’ll also discuss an appropriate action plan for your family if you discover neglect or abuse at your loved one’s nursing home.

10 Red Flags of Neglect in Nursing Home

Identifying neglect in nursing home situations may take some investigative work, especially if your loved one isn’t forthcoming about what they’re experiencing. Nursing home staff are also unlikely to help uncover their own misdeeds. That said, we’ve compiled a few red flags to watch out for that could indicate ongoing nursing home neglect.

Unexplained Injuries: Bruises, Fractures, or Burns

Significant or repeated unexplained injuries are a red flag. As we age, we do become more easily bruised, and our bones become weaker, but a nursing home facility is responsible for ensuring a patient’s safety regardless.

Poor Hygiene: Unwashed Residents, Soiled Bedding

A nursing home facility is responsible for ensuring a patient’s overall well-being, which includes maintaining their hygiene when a patient is unable or unwilling to do so themselves. Residents who aren’t being bathed regularly, have unclean sheets or are living in unsanitary conditions might be being neglected by the facility. This is a major red flag that deserves immediate attention.

Sudden Weight Loss or Malnutrition: Signs of Inadequate Food/Water

Another major red flag is when your loved one shows signs of not getting enough food or water. Sudden weight loss or malnutrition is not normal. If your loved one is experiencing a health condition, then the facility should be utilizing IV or other methods to ensure your loved one is getting the right nutrition.

Bedsores: Indications of Prolonged Immobility

Bedsores are a huge red flag that your loved one isn’t getting adequate care. Bedsores, or pressure ulcers, form when a person is left sitting in one position for way too long. Immobilized patients need to be shifted often to prevent bedsores.

Emotional Withdrawal or Anxiety: Fear of Staff, Reluctance to Speak

If your loved one has suddenly started acting fearful or withdrawn, then that could be a red flag. It’s even more concerning if your loved one is displaying anxiety or fear towards the staff at the nursing home. If your loved one seems reluctant to speak about how they’re being treated, then that’s a cause for concern.

Medication Errors: Overdosing or Missed Doses

Another huge red flag of neglect in nursing home situations is medication errors. Nursing home staff should be fully informed about a patient’s medications. They should know how much medication a patient needs when it should be given, and when those prescriptions need to be refilled. Overdosing or missed doses is unacceptable and considered negligence.

Unsanitary Living Conditions: Dirty Rooms, Pest Infestations

Nursing home facilities are obligated to ensure patients have sanitary living conditions. If you notice dirty rooms, signs of pest infestations, or other signs of an unsanitary room, then consider that a big red flag that your loved one may be being neglected.

Frequent Infections: UTIs or Sepsis from Poor Care

Another sign of neglect in nursing home facilities is when your loved one is getting frequent infections. While aging residents are more likely to get infections in a care facility than at home, it’s still not normal for a resident to repeatedly suffer infection after infection without a medical cause. Typically, this type of situation will only happen when that resident isn’t receiving proper medical care.

Staff Avoidance of Questions: Evasive Answers About Care

Nursing home staff should always be open and willing to answer any questions you have about your loved one’s care. If you notice staff being suspicious or evasive about your loved one’s level of care, then that’s concerning.

Financial Exploitation: Unauthorized Withdrawals or Changes to Wills

It’s a massive red flag if you notice your loved one’s finances significantly changing while they’re in a nursing home. It’s not normal for an aging person to give away their life savings or end-of-life money to a stranger or someone they just met at the facility.

Georgia Elder Abuse Laws and Nursing Home Liability

Under the law in Georgia, any person who knowingly and willfully abuses or exploits an elderly person is guilty of a felony offense, which could lead to a penalty of up to 20 years in prison. In 2015, House Bill 72 was passed, which helped strengthen elder abuse laws by strengthening mandatory reporting requirements. Any time a report is made where a crime is suspected, it must be reported to a law enforcement agency.

Criminal liability is only one aspect of nursing home abuse, though. Facilities and care providers also have a civil responsibility to care for elderly residents. A failure to uphold their duty of care could lead to a lawsuit.

How to Report Nursing Home Neglect in Atlanta

Do you believe your loved one has experienced abuse or neglect in a nursing home? If so, then the first thing you need to do is document the incident and get your loved one the treatment they need, which will likely be outside of the facility. Preserve as much evidence as you can to prove what happened and the extent of your loved one’s injuries.

Next, contact Georgia’s Adult Protective Services (APS) to report what happened. A long-term care ombudsman is a specific type of professional who advocates for the rights of residents who live in nursing homes, so this type of professional can also help you investigate and prove what happened. Next, you’ll want to consider consulting with a nursing home neglect attorney about what to do next.

When to Contact a Nursing Home Neglect Attorney

It’s a good idea to contact a nursing home neglect attorney when you’re facing a complex case, you want legal advice, the facility is refuting your claim or retaliation, or if the injuries sustained by your loved one are substantial. The right nursing home neglect attorney will help you identify your options and assist you in pursuing justice.

Singleton Law Firm’s Success in Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases

The golden rule here at Singleton Law Firm is to treat others the way we would want to be treated. If your loved one’s nursing home facility wasn’t upholding a reasonable standard of care, then we will help you fully understand your rights and options. Attorney Don Singleton has been advocating for injured clients for over 30 years, and the team’s lead paralegal, Lisa Neely is equally qualified with over 30 years of administrative legal experience.


Do you have more questions about your nursing home situation? To get the most accurate legal advice, it’s best to consult directly with an Atlanta nursing home attorney who can consider your personal circumstances. That said, we’ll go over some general answers to some frequently asked questions about nursing home neglect and abuse claims below.

What’s the difference between neglect and abuse?

Under Georgia law, nursing home abuse is intentionally inflicting harm on a resident. Abuse can come in the form of physical violence, emotional manipulation, financial exploitation, or inducing mental distress. Nursing home neglect is the failure to provide essential care to a resident, which may or may not be intentional.

How much does it cost to hire a nursing home neglect lawyer?

Considering that a nursing home neglect incident is going to leave you and your family at a financial loss, most law firms, including Singleton Law Firm, will represent you on a contingency fee basis. That means you won’t owe anything upfront for your legal representation. You’ll only pay your attorney once you’ve won your case and received a settlement check.

Contact Singleton Law Firm Now About Your Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect Case

Are you ready to get in touch with an attorney about a nursing home incident that you or a loved one experienced? Here at Singleton Law Firm, our team wants to empower you with solid legal advice to help you make an informed decision on how to move forward. You won’t be charged for an initial call and consultation with our legal advocates. Contact us now at (770) 889-6010 or leave your details on our online form to get started.

Donald Singleton

Personal Injury Lawyer in Atlanta

A Georgia native, Don founded Singleton Law Firm in 1999 as a continuation of his lifetime commitment to serving his state and community. He has concentrated his trial practice to representing victims of serious injury and wrongful death arising out of trucking, car, bus and motorcycle accidents, premises liability and a wide variety of other causes.

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