If the Georgia Department of Driver Services (GADDS) or Georgia courts have suspended or revoked your driver’s license, you could be charged with traffic violation state law. You could even face jail time and hefty fines. In fact, there are several different ways you could end up being arrested and charged with driving while your license status is suspended or revoked.
The most common way people are pulled over and charged with driving without a valid license is because the officer sees their driving record and notices that their license has been suspended or revoked. However, it doesn’t matter whether you’re stopped for speeding; running a red light; or anything else. Even if you’ve had your license reinstated, the officer still has the authority under Georgia law to pull you over and arrest you for driving without a valid license.

You can also be charged with driving without a license if you don’t have one, even if you’ve recently received a reinstatement notice. This includes situations where your license was never actually suspended or revoked in the first place. For example, if someone stole your ID card or lost it, this could cause your license to become invalid.
Finally, you could be charged for driving without a license even if your license has been reinstated. This occurs when you fail to update your registration within 30 days of getting your license reinstated or renewing your license.
In addition to criminal penalties, you’ll likely also be subject to civil penalties. These include fines ranging from $25-$100 per day. And if you continue to drive without a license, you could be fined up to $1,000 per offense.
What Are the Potential Sentences for Driving while Under Suspension?
Georgia traffic laws can result in tickets, points on your license, and even the suspension of your driving privileges for a period of time if you violate them. If you drive while your license is suspended for the first time or within five years, you will be charged with a misdemeanor.
The penalties for a first offense of driving while license suspended in Georgia are as follows:
- At least two days in jail, and up to 12 months in prison.
- fines up to $1,000.
You will be charged with high and aggravated misdemeanors in the case of a second and subsequent offense.
A 2nd offense of driving with a suspended license carries the following penalty:
jail time of no less than 10 days to no more than 12 months.
- fines of $1,000- $2,500
If a plea of nolo contendere (no contest) is entered, the potential sentences are the same.
Those who are charged with driving under suspension will have their licenses confiscated and then attached to their citations. There will be a 6-month extension of your suspension.
- A reinstatement fee must be paid after the six-month period has ended.
- The reinstatement fee for a first conviction is $210.00 or $200.00 if it is paid by mail.
- A reinstatement fee of $310.00 is required for a second conviction. If the fee is to be paid by mail, it is $300.00.
If you are convicted of driving a vehicle with suspended or canceled registration, you will face additional penalties. The driving of a vehicle with a revoked, suspended, or canceled registration is a misdemeanor and is punishable by fines and penalties.
The Department will extend the period of suspension by six months if you are convicted of driving on a suspended license.

Pleading nolo contendere
The legal term for pleading no contest is nolo contendere (noh kon dair ehn), meaning “I do not wish to defend myself.” In criminal law, it refers to a guilty plea entered without a formal trial. A person entering such a plea waives his/her constitutional rights against self-incrimination and the presumption of innocence. If convicted, the defendant faces punishment including jail time, fines, probation, and restitution.
In most states, once someone pleads nolo contendere, he/she cannot later withdraw the plea. This means that even if you plead nolo contendere, you are still considered a convicted felon. However, there is an exception to this rule. Under federal law, if a person enters a plea of nolo contendre during the first five years following sentencing, the plea does not count towards the convictions.
There are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if a person is charged with multiple counts of a single offense, each charge could be considered a separate case. Also, if a person pleads nolo contendre to a misdemeanor, the plea may be withdrawn after 5 years. Finally, if a person pleases nolo contendre to felony charges, and the court accepts the plea, the plea will be removed from the driving record after 10 years.
What is the process for getting my license back after a suspension?
Getting your driver’s license suspended is never fun. However, it does not mean that getting it back is impossible. In fact, there are several ways to do so. Georgia residents can reach out to the Director of Driver Services in Atlanta, write to the Director in Conyer, Georgia, or contact a division that provides full reinstatement services. There are different options depending on where you reside.
If you live in Georgia, the best option is to contact the Department of Driver’s Services in Atlanta because they offer a full reinstatement service. They will help you fill out the necessary forms and make sure everything is in place before they process your application. If your driving privileges have been suspended or revoked for a designated period of time, you can apply to have them reinstated.
It is possible to obtain a limited driving permit during the suspension period for a fee in some cases.

In conclusion, if you have been charged with driving under suspension (DUS) in Georgia, you may face serious penalties including fines, jail time, license suspensions, and even points on your driver’s record. However, there are ways to avoid being caught and penalized for DUS. For example, if you were arrested for DUI but never convicted, you could still receive a ticket for DUS. To find out more information about the laws regarding DUS in Georgia, visit www.dps.state.ga.us/dui/.