How Much Can You Receive From a Georgia Car Accident Settlement?
If someone else's negligence caused the accident, a car accident can cause minimal damages - or hundreds of thousands in expenses in a matter of seconds. In many cases, the...
Georgia Hit-and-Run: What Happens When Someone Hits a Parked Car?
In Georgia, 911 centers receive calls from terrified citizens: “Someone hit my parked car and left!” Although the police dispatcher will have the geo-location of that caller's...
Laws and Penalties for Driving with a Suspended License in Georgia
If the Georgia Department of Driver Services (GADDS) or Georgia courts have suspended or revoked your driver’s license, you could be charged with traffic violation state law. You...
Georgia Speeding Laws
Speeding laws vary widely across the United States. While some states do not have specific speed limits, others set limits based on road conditions. For example, Georgia does not...
The Facts About Motorcycle Accidents in Georgia
An accident involving a motorcycle is usually more serious than an accident involving a car. Approximately 30 times more motorcyclists are killed per vehicle mile traveled than...
Are U-turns Legal in Georgia?
You can incur substantial fines and points on your license if you violate one of the hundreds of Georgia traffic laws. To remain safe on the road, it is important to keep up with...
How Multitasking Affects The Brain While Driving And Can Our Brain Handle It?
We live in a busy society where multitasking is commonplace. Isn't it true that the more you can accomplish at once, the more you achieve? The best way to be productive is not...
What Is An Ignition Interlock Device?
The ignition interlock device, also known as a breathalyzer for vehicles, is a breathalyzer designed to prevent drivers from consuming alcohol after they start their motor...
Uber and Lyft Accidents in Atlanta Georgia
As of late, there have been an increased number of accidents involving both Uber and Lyft drivers in Atlanta, Georgia. While the number of accidents is still relatively low when...
How to File a Police Report for a Car Accident in Georgia
Under Georgia law, you are required to report an accident that results in injury or death to the police. You are required to file a police report if you are able to do so-failing...