Atlanta Assisted Living Abuse Lawyer

Choosing Your Atlanta Assisted Living Abuse Lawyer

CDC reports showed over 1 million seniors resided in assisted living facilities throughout 2022. Unfortunately, assisted living facilities don’t always provide reasonable care to their residents.

If that happens to you or a loved one, then you could have legal recourse. Talking to an assisted living abuse lawyer will help you better understand your options and rights when it comes to filing for compensation.

Don and his team remained in regular contact with me day and night throughout my settlement process.

Joel Dougherty

Don and his team remained in regular contact with me day and night throughout my settlement process. They gave me great advice and informed me of the necessary steps that needed to be taken. Would definitely recommend for anyone needing an accident and injury lawyer.

At Singleton Law Firm, We Are Dedicated To Fighting For A Rightful Compensation Due To Assisted Living Abuse 

Why Work With Singleton Law Firm for Assisted Living Abuse Cases in Atlanta

If you’re in search of an assisted living abuse lawyer in Atlanta, then choosing to work with the team at Singleton Law Firm is a great way to ensure success.

Attorney Don Singleton has been operating in Atlanta’s local courtrooms for over 30 years, advocating for injured individuals and relentlessly pursuing justice. Attorney Singleton has climbed some of the largest summits in the United States including El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. You can rest assured knowing he will bring the same level of passion and drive to resolving your case.

Lisa, the senior paralegal at the firm, also has over 30 years of experience in family, criminal defense, and personal injury law.

Together, the team is dedicated to providing the best possible legal representation and support to individuals and families who are going through assisted living facility abuse.

Key Differences Between Assisted Living Neglect and Nursing Home Abuse

Under the law, neglect and abuse are two distinct categories. Neglect involves the failure to provide essential services, whereas abuse is the intentional infliction of harm or grossly negligent failure to provide reasonable care. The main difference between the two is the level of recklessness or disregard for the resident’s safety. Neglect tends to be unintentional or a result of carelessness, but abuse is intended to inflict harm on the victim.

Types of Abuse That Can Occur in Assisted Living Facilities

In an assisted living facility, abuse can come in many forms, such as:

  • Physical violence and rough care
  • Sexual violence (many in assisted living facilities cannot consent to sexual activities due to their mental capacities being reduced)
  • Emotional and mental abuse
  • Financial exploitation
  • Elopement abuse

Most Common Assisted Living Injuries

Assisted living injuries range in severity from minor to fatal. Some of the most common injuries that result from assisted living neglect and abuse include:

  • Falls that result in broken bones or fractures
  • Injuries from incorrect prescription drug administration
  • Weight loss from dehydration and malnutrition
  • UTIs or diseases from sexual abuse and rape
  • Pressure sores from not being able to move and a lack of care
  • Newly acquired infections and medical conditions

How Do I Prove Abuse in an Assisted Living Facility?

You can prove abuse in an assisted living facility by first getting a full physical medical checkup with a new doctor. Get a diagnosis report that highlights any injuries or conditions that developed as a result of the assisted living facility’s abuse. From there, look for additional evidence that could prove further proof like surveillance footage of the incident, eyewitness testimony from other residents, and other signs of proof.

Legal Options for Families Affected by Assisted Living Abuse

Families who have felt the impact of assisted living abuse have legal recourse. If the facility was abusive, then families have the right to pursue a personal injury lawsuit to recover compensation for the losses associated with the incident.

What Compensation Can You Recover in an Assisted Living Facility?

In a living assisted facility lawsuit, you can seek compensation for economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages describe the financial losses you incurred as a result of the injury, like medical expenses and lost wages. Non-economic damages describe the losses you experienced that are harder to value, like emotional distress or pain and suffering.

How to Report Abuse in an Assisted Living Facility

Do you suspect assisted living facility abuse, or do you have proof that an abusive incident occurred at a facility in Georgia? If so, then it’s a good idea to file a complaint by contacting the Healthcare Facility Regulation Division at (800) 878-6442. If there are other adults you believe are in danger or at risk, then you should consider contacting Adult Protective Services at (866) 552-4464.

Let Our Assisted Living Abuse Attorneys in Atlanta Help You Get Justice

While the law might be on your side in an assisted living abuse case, it’s still going to require a lot of effort and knowledge on your part to collect the right documentation, file the right paperwork, and negotiate with the other party over your claim’s worth.

To ensure that you get a fair shot at justice, it’s recommended that you work with an assisted living abuse lawyer.


…made me feel like I was their only client

Jennifer Howerton

Fantastic experience considering my situation.

I knew I didn’t want a tv/radio hype attorney and the attention this firm gave my case made me feel like I was their only client!

Speak Directly with an Experienced Atlanta Assisted Living Abuse Attorney

Are you ready to speak directly with an assisted living abuse lawyer in Atlanta about what happened to you or a loved one? Here at Singleton Law Firm, our team of highly qualified and experienced lawyers are ready to aggressively advocate for you while providing compassionate legal care to you and your family.

Schedule a free consultation call with our team of legal advocates now to get started.

Our Legal Team Has a Long History of Case Wins, and We Are Among the Most Trusted Lawyers in Georgia.

Our legal team in Atlanta is available to protect our clients during difficult times. We ensure that those who are responsible for a child’s injuries are held accountable. We provide compassionate support and care throughout the duration of the case.

FAQs About Atlanta Assisted Living Facility Lawsuits

Can an Assisted Living Facility be Held Liable for Abuse?

In general, an assisted living facility can be held liable for abuse when they have intentionally failed to provide a reasonable standard of care to a resident, which results in an injury and losses.

Are Falls in Assisted Living Preventable?

Most falls in assisted living facilities are preventable. Assisted living facilities have a legal obligation to take fall prevention precautions, especially with residents who are knowingly vulnerable. Precautions should include individualized plans that can reduce the likelihood of falls and ensuring the environment is designed to reduce fall risks. Staff also need to be adequately trained to assist residents in need.

How Do I Know if my Case Warrants a Lawsuit?

 Your assisted living case might warrant a lawsuit if your injuries are substantial, and they were caused by an assisted living facility’s abuse. You can be sure of whether your case warrants a lawsuit or not by scheduling a free case review with a local attorney. During the review, they’ll go over the facts associated with your case and estimate the likelihood of you filing a successful claim.

How Much Compensation Can You Expect in an Assisted Living Case?

In an assisted living neglect or abuse case, you can expect to receive compensation that fully restores you to the financial position you were in prior to your injury. The compensation should cover losses like medical bills and any lost wages of loved ones who helped care for you. It should also cover any emotional distress.

What are the Challenges in Proving Emotional or Psychological Abuse?

Proving emotional and psychological abuse is extremely challenging because these hidden forms of abuse don’t leave physical scars. What’s more, the lasting impacts, like traumatic memories and distress, aren’t easy to document or value, either. The good news is that a skilled lawyer can help you if you want to pursue these types of damages.


Our Practice Areas

Car accident attorney

Atlanta automobile accidents attorney with over 30 years of experience. Contact us and we will find the best way out for you!

Personal Injury attorney

Atlanta personal injury attorney who fights aggressively to obtain 100% of the compensation available under the law. Get a free quote.

Truck accident attorney

Did you get involved in a truck accident in Georgia? Contact our Atlanta trucking accident attorney – we can help you with your case.

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